maria gallo portfolio.


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Hello, welcome to my website. I specialize in creating engaging and immersive design experiences for brands and companies.


︎UX Design

Melbourne 2024

Ennie app

I led the planning and strategy phases to define the UX vision for Ennie, an exciting project currently in development. My role involved shaping the overall user experience through careful research, wireframing, and strategic planning to ensure a seamless and intuitive interface. While the project is under NDA and details cannot be shared at this time, I look forward to showcasing its innovative design and user-centered approach once it launches. Stay tuned for updates!

︎UX & UI Design 

Melbourne 2021- 2023

Landchecker Pty Ltd Webapp

Case Studies: 

Case study: The Customer Feedback Analysis Map

Case study:Property Certificates in a competitive industry

︎ UI Design for Pearler.

Melbourne 2023

Design proposal with the following criteria:

Here are the redesigned central pages for Pearler, infused with my unique perspective. I've revamped the existing structures and layouts to maintain Pearler's identity while introducing innovative elements. Each design carefully prioritises the information that needs to be conveyed, ensuring a captivating and cohesive user experience. My creativity guided me throughout the process to deliver pages that engage and resonate with users.

︎UI Design for Pearler.

Connecting a wealthier world

Melbourne 2023


Medium Article:

Navigating Design Challenges: Is the journey worthwhile without research or business context?

︎Research, UX & UI Design 
Joggo Futbol App

Melbourne 2020- 2021


Melbourne 2023

The Unknown Artist


︎Brand Strategy

Melbourne 2023

Brandstrategy for a new Instagram account that aims to Celebrate Brunswick's Culinary Heritage! 🍽️✨

“ Journey through the soul of our neighborhood and savor the flavors of tradition, all while paying homage to the local eateries that have stood the test of time”

︎Content Strategy & Web Design 
El Gran Mono Soundsystem 

Melbourne 2020


︎Content Strategy
Space2b Social Enterprise

Melbourne 2020

Case Study


︎OOUX Spotify challenge

︎Case Studies for General Assembly


A little bit about me

I believe in the power of authenticity and the importance of supporting smaller local businesses. Staying true to oneself and embracing the indie/niche UX & UI approach that resonates with individuals is crucial. This means removing the bootstrapped mentality of generic User Experience and stepping away from the maniac race of competition, hypergrowth, and other musts.

Thankfully, the internet is vast and diverse enough to participate in new and exciting innovations. As a designer, I take pride in offering my clients and community a great example of thriving, essential, and human-centred User Experience Design. With new technologies emerging constantly, and open-source projects flourishing, I am excited about the future of design and the opportunities it presents.


Maria J Gallo
UX & UI Designer